Tele Hypnosis Pro Deluxe Multisession 4 ( Software Hipnotis ) | Size : 5.49 Mb
The advanced version of Tele Hypnosis, the amazing software of remote mind control. Tele Hypnosis Pro offers you new tools that improve the power of Tele Hypnosis, accelerating the results, and especially, Tele Hypnosis Pro allows you full effectiveness self hypnosis, and also, to make full magick operations over a person. Now, with Tele Hypnosis Pro, the hypnotic software of remote mind control, you will easily make self hypnosis operations like quit smoking, rapid weight loss, enhance your sexual potence, improve your intelligence and memory, enhance your attractiveness, and make full magick operations with the advance use of symbols and elementals of Tele Hypnosis Pro.
Really, Tele Hypnosis Pro is a "must have" in every home, and it's a big step in the development of the electronic magick. If you tried and liked Tele Hypnosis, now you will love Tele Hypnosis Pro and the enormous possibilities that gives enhancing all the aspects of your life to obtain the happyness of you and yours.
Tele Hypnosis Pro is able to do all the things you can do with Tele Hypnosis,
but also, Tele Hypnosis Pro will give you quicker success in all the tasks, and
especially the most difference is in self hypnosis purposes, where Tele Hypnosis
Pro gives you new advanced tools for an easy and quick reprogramming of your subconscious mind. Below is a list of some of the many things you will be able to get using Tele Hypnosis Pro (check below in the deep of the page some testimonies of success):
► Attract love of the opposite sex in general
► Make a concrete girl/boy love you passionately.
► Business, influence a job interviewer to hire you over the rest of candidates.
► Influence your boss to get an raise of you monthly salary or a promotion within the business.
► Avoid your children consume drugs.
► Get the best out of your children, increase their memory and study capabilities, and make them study harder.
► Change the bad and dark sides of your children's or someone's personality.
► Recover a broken friendship.
► Reconciliation and harmony within a marriage or love relationship, avoiding divorce
► Improve the passion and sexual appetite of your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend...
► Avoid marital infidelity
► Speed seduction
► Make someone stop molesting you.
► Cast powerful love spells.
► Send remotely powerful subliminal messages and commands
► Make someone do something.
► Maintain peace within the family or a job when problems come.
► Remote seduction in general
► Any situation where you need to influence someone....
Now, a list of some of the self hypnosis uses of Tele Hypnosis Pro:
► Rapid weight loss
► Quit smoking
► Enhace your attractiveness and personal magnetism enhancing the production of self human pheromones for success in dating, macking and courtship
► Remove bad habits.
► Enhance clairvoyance ( remote viewing ) skills and magick cappabilities.
► Enhance your sexual performance.
► Penis enhancement and enlargement. Powerful erections and multiple orgasms
► Enhance the female libido / male libido of your wife, husband, girlfriend,
boyfriend, or sex partner to get better and more frequent sex.
► Modify the wrong parts of your character and self control of your behaviour
► Control of fear, pain and phobias
► Enhance your memory and intelligence.
► Enhance your Telepathic skill to send powerful mind orders and receive clearer thoughts to find what the people is thingking about you.
► Relax your mind.
► Improve self discipline and control
► Hair growt and regrowth
► Enhance your artistic skills for, for example, to write beatiful love poems
or quotes for the person you love.
► Anger and stress management
► Grow taller
► Enhance your concentration, visualization and meditation skills
► Improvement of your self esteem and confidence
► Boost your motivation, courage and resolution
Aswell as all this:
► Special executable of Tele Hypnosis Pro 1.0 in 800*600 screen resolution for portable computers and for systems reporting screen problems when executing Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Special executable of the program to find R.I.N. in 640*480 resolution for
systems reporting graphic problems.
► Add ► on: First set of angelic sigils, containing 30 powerful sigils of Angels
and instructions to use the sigils with Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Add ► on: Second set of angelic sigils containing other new 42 powerful angelic sigils.
► Add ► on: set of mixed angelic sigils, containing 52 mixed sigils and symbols like archangelic sigils, advanced planetary flashing symbols and runes.
► Add ► on: Enhanced Radionic Index Number Seeker; a new advanced program to find accurate R.I.N./s of the persons for a better performance of Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Add ► on: Set of the Archangel Sandalphon; discover the importance of this Archangel in magick operations; includes telesmatic image, sigil and instructions for the invocation / evocation with Tele Hypnosis Pro and includes too a brief and extremely easy to perform ritual of ceremonial magick.
► Add ► on: Set of the Angel Vehuiah. Improve highly your will, courage, resolution and inner energy with the help of Vehuiah. Includes telesmatic image and instructions.
Really, Tele Hypnosis Pro is a "must have" in every home, and it's a big step in the development of the electronic magick. If you tried and liked Tele Hypnosis, now you will love Tele Hypnosis Pro and the enormous possibilities that gives enhancing all the aspects of your life to obtain the happyness of you and yours.
Tele Hypnosis Pro is able to do all the things you can do with Tele Hypnosis,
but also, Tele Hypnosis Pro will give you quicker success in all the tasks, and
especially the most difference is in self hypnosis purposes, where Tele Hypnosis
Pro gives you new advanced tools for an easy and quick reprogramming of your subconscious mind. Below is a list of some of the many things you will be able to get using Tele Hypnosis Pro (check below in the deep of the page some testimonies of success):
► Attract love of the opposite sex in general
► Make a concrete girl/boy love you passionately.
► Business, influence a job interviewer to hire you over the rest of candidates.
► Influence your boss to get an raise of you monthly salary or a promotion within the business.
► Avoid your children consume drugs.
► Get the best out of your children, increase their memory and study capabilities, and make them study harder.
► Change the bad and dark sides of your children's or someone's personality.
► Recover a broken friendship.
► Reconciliation and harmony within a marriage or love relationship, avoiding divorce
► Improve the passion and sexual appetite of your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend...
► Avoid marital infidelity
► Speed seduction
► Make someone stop molesting you.
► Cast powerful love spells.
► Send remotely powerful subliminal messages and commands
► Make someone do something.
► Maintain peace within the family or a job when problems come.
► Remote seduction in general
► Any situation where you need to influence someone....
Now, a list of some of the self hypnosis uses of Tele Hypnosis Pro:
► Rapid weight loss
► Quit smoking
► Enhace your attractiveness and personal magnetism enhancing the production of self human pheromones for success in dating, macking and courtship
► Remove bad habits.
► Enhance clairvoyance ( remote viewing ) skills and magick cappabilities.
► Enhance your sexual performance.
► Penis enhancement and enlargement. Powerful erections and multiple orgasms
► Enhance the female libido / male libido of your wife, husband, girlfriend,
boyfriend, or sex partner to get better and more frequent sex.
► Modify the wrong parts of your character and self control of your behaviour
► Control of fear, pain and phobias
► Enhance your memory and intelligence.
► Enhance your Telepathic skill to send powerful mind orders and receive clearer thoughts to find what the people is thingking about you.
► Relax your mind.
► Improve self discipline and control
► Hair growt and regrowth
► Enhance your artistic skills for, for example, to write beatiful love poems
or quotes for the person you love.
► Anger and stress management
► Grow taller
► Enhance your concentration, visualization and meditation skills
► Improvement of your self esteem and confidence
► Boost your motivation, courage and resolution
Aswell as all this:
► Special executable of Tele Hypnosis Pro 1.0 in 800*600 screen resolution for portable computers and for systems reporting screen problems when executing Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Special executable of the program to find R.I.N. in 640*480 resolution for
systems reporting graphic problems.
► Add ► on: First set of angelic sigils, containing 30 powerful sigils of Angels
and instructions to use the sigils with Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Add ► on: Second set of angelic sigils containing other new 42 powerful angelic sigils.
► Add ► on: set of mixed angelic sigils, containing 52 mixed sigils and symbols like archangelic sigils, advanced planetary flashing symbols and runes.
► Add ► on: Enhanced Radionic Index Number Seeker; a new advanced program to find accurate R.I.N./s of the persons for a better performance of Tele Hypnosis Pro.
► Add ► on: Set of the Archangel Sandalphon; discover the importance of this Archangel in magick operations; includes telesmatic image, sigil and instructions for the invocation / evocation with Tele Hypnosis Pro and includes too a brief and extremely easy to perform ritual of ceremonial magick.
► Add ► on: Set of the Angel Vehuiah. Improve highly your will, courage, resolution and inner energy with the help of Vehuiah. Includes telesmatic image and instructions.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia :
Software Hipnotis ini sangat ampuh digunakan untuk mempengaruhi/menghipnotis seseorang dari jarak jauh. Software ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menghipnotis diri sendiri (self hypnosis). Semua ini dilakukan tanpa perlu repot melakukan ritual sugesti setiap hari. Anda cukup sekali saja melakukan sugesti yang akan disimpan pada program di komputer dan sugesti tersebut bisa anda jalankan kapan saja tanpa mengganggu aktifitas anda yang lain.
Software ini bekerja dengan cara menggabungkan kekuatan pikiran manusia/sugesti dengan gelombang radio metafisik (radionic) yang dipancarkan melalui komputer karena pada dasarnya setiap benda itu memiliki pancaran gelombang/energi. Jadi anda cukup menginstall software ini di komputer lalu merekam sugestinya, maka biarkan komputer yang akan bekerja. Sangat mudah namun ampuh hasilnya karena telah digunakan ribuan orang dan praktisi suprnatural di dalam dan luar negeri.
Beberapa Manfaat Software Ini :
1. Untuk pengasihan baik secara umum maupun khusus. Mampu membuat seseorang jatuh cinta kepada anda dan juga untuk menjaga keharmonisan suami istri dalam rumahtangga.
2. Agar diterima bekerja di perusahaan dengan jalan mempengaruhi orang yang mewawancara anda.
3. Mempengaruhi atasan/bos anda agar dipromosikan ke jabatan yang lebih tinggi atau
4. naik gaji.
5. Mempengaruhi anak anda agar rajin belajar dan tidak nakal. Membantu penyembuhan ketergantungan narkoba yang terjadi anak anda.
6. Membantu penyembuhan sifat-sifat buruk pada seseorang.
7. Mampu hipnotis diri sendiri untuk melangsingkan badan, stop rokok/narkoba.
8. Meningkatkan daya tarik seks pada diri anda sehingga digandrungi lawan jenis.
9. Juga bisa untuk meningkatkan kejantanan/kekuatan seks.
10. Meningkatkan motivasi diri, semangat dan percaya diri.
11. Meningkatkan kecerdasan, konsentrasi dan daya ingat.
12. Membangkitkan kemampuan supranatural seperti indera ke 6, terawangan dll.
13. Meningkatkan kinerja bisnis. Sangat cocok untuk para pemilik perusaahan dan sales.
14. Untuk penagihan hutang agar mudah atau mempermudah meminjam uang ke seseorang.
15. Perlindungan dari serangan fisik/metafisik
16. Dan lain-lain manfaat sesuai keinginan anda.
Beberapa pertanyaan seputar kehidupan anda :
1. Apakah anda ingin lebih dicintai? Ingin kehidupan rumah tangga anda harmonis
2. Apakah anda ingin wawancara/interview kerja anda berjalan sukses dan membuat orang yang mewawancarai anda terkesan?
3. Apakah anda ingin disayang bos/atasan? Ingin gaji anda dinaikkan?
4. Apakah anda ingin memuat anak anda lebih rajin dan cerdas?
5. Apakah anda ingin menghilangan kebiasaan buruk anda?Merokok, alkohol, narkoba, dll?
6. Apakah anda ingin meningkatkan sex appeal (daya tarik sex) kepada lawan jenis bahkan mempengaruhi kualitas sex anda?
7. Apakah anda ingin meningkatkan kepercayaan diri anda?(Self esteem)
8. Apakah anda ingin meningkatkan performa kerja/bisnis agar semakin lancar?
9. Dan banyak lainnya yang mungkin jadi pertanyaan anda.
Software hipnotis ini bisa menjadi solusi dari permasalahan anda.
Bayangkan ketika permasalahan anda di atas teratasi satu demi satu ketika anda mulai menjalankan software ini? Bagaimana rasanya? Luar biasa, senang, bahagia tentu itu yang anda rasakan. Karena itu pun yang saya rasakan ketika saya mulai merubah diri dan kehidupan saya dengan bantuan software ini.
HARAP SOFTWARE TIDAK DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MAIN-MAIN!! Kami tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap efek dari penggunaaan software ini. Harap digunakan hanya untuk kebaikan. Bagi yang mempermainkan/menjahati orang lain maka anda akan mendapat karma atau balasan dari Tuhan yang setimpal sesuai hukum alam yang berlaku.
1. Untuk Pengasihan : Misal anda bernama Arman ingin agar Susi mencintai anda maka :
- Masukan foto Susi di folder “photographies”
- Masukan kata-kata sugesti seperti dibawah ini sebagai teks dan audio di folder
Kata-kata tidak harus sama. Anda bisa modifikasi atau mengarang sendiri :
Misalnya :
Aku sangat mencintai Arman
Aku selalu merindukan Arman
Aku menginginkannya sepenuh hati
- Set RGB 1 : Red: 0 Green: 160 Blue: 0
- Set RGB 2 : Red: 0 Green: 255: Blue: 0
- Set Frequency ke 8
- Aktifkan Extreme amplification
- Gunakan simbol Venus
- Gunakan elemen Water.
Catatan : untuk membuat wanita tidak jatuh cinta namun hanya bergairah seks kepada anda, gunakan RGB 1 : Red : 60 Green : 0 Blue : 0 dan RGB 2 : Red : 255 Green : 0 Blue : 0
2. Meningkatkan Rejeki (Hipnotis diri sendiri)
- Masukan foto anda
- Masukan kata-kata sugesti seperti dibawah ini sebagai teks dan audio suara :
Bisnis saya maju pesat
Uang saya berlimpah ruah
Kekayaan saya tiada habisnya
- Set RGB 1: Red: 255 Green: 128 Blue: 0
- Set RGB 2: Red 255 Green : 255 : Blue: 0
- Aktifkan pre hypnosis dan Extreme Amplification
- Set Frequency set ke 4
- Aktifkan elemen Air
- Gunakan simbol Merkurius
2. Mempengaruhi Atasan/Bos : misal anda bernama Arman ingin mempengaruhi bos agar
naik gaji/jabatan dan selalu menghormati anda.
- Masukan foto bos anda
- Masukan kata-kata sugesti seperti dibawah ini sebagai teks dan audio suara :
Arman pegawai yang baik
Saya menghormati Arman
Saya menaikan jabatan Arman
Saya menaikan gaji Arman
- Set RGB 1: Red: 0 Green: 0 Blue: 255
- Set RGB 2: Red 0 Green : 255 : Blue: 255
- Aktifkan pre hypnosis dan Extreme Amplification
- Set Frequency set ke 4
- Aktifkan elemen Water
- Gunakan simbol Jupiter atau Fehu (ambil gambarnya di folder “Xtras\SET OF MIXED SIGILS AND SYMBOLS\Runas”)
Catatan : Tehnik diatas juga bisa digunakan untuk mempengaruhi orang yang mewawancari anda agar bisa diterima bekerja. Cukup dirubah kata sugestinya saja.
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kan didalemnya ada beberapa aplikasi sob, tapi fungsinya sama dicoba2 aja
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